International Scientific Conference
September 21 & 22, 2023- KOŠICE, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC and September 23, 2023- TARNOBRZEG, THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND
In a dynamic and changing environment, new trends are constantly being created from the point of view of marketing management, trade and business itself. During the last two years, the pandemic played a major role in trends formation. Many of the affected sectors are still experiencing problems, and countries dependent on affected industries are struggling to recover. Thus, the challenge to overcome the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic remains relevant.
The comprehensive view of business implies, in addition to economic aspects, a spectrum of social aspects, influences and impacts. It is essential that it reflects the plurality of processes that occur in the enterprise in connection with the various entities that appear in the business process.
The social dimensions of development, as well as the impacts of social responsibility, are manifested within companies in the social, economic, financial and environmental areas. This complexity of social responsibility creates a space to explore and discuss the current state of creating and developing sustainable relationships with all stakeholders: shareholders, investors, employees, customers, suppliers, institutions, future generations and society. Subsequently, social development can be understood as the development of society in accordance with the goals of inclusion, cohesion and responsibility, it can be perceived as a means of eliminating poverty by strengthening processes and institutions that support the creation of social capital assets. In addition to the goals aimed at achieving favorable economic results, it is necessary to simultaneously focus on such strategies and management procedures that are required from the point of view of the goals and values of the company, and which also include the interests of all stakeholders with the aim of improving the quality of life. In this way, it becomes necessary for society as a whole to be interested in increasing social well-being in the context of sustainable development.
On the way to achieving consistent and sustainable growth, businesses and society must reflect on new challenges that appear in the context of a digital society in the form of digital security issues and hybrid threats, or demographic developments and opportunities created by the silver economy, and last but not least, the topic of the sustainable development resonates in society .
The international scientific conference MTS 2023 creates a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, findings, research results and discussion of current challenges and perspectives of social, economic and business development.
Faculty of Business Economy of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice, the Slovak Republic
Faculty of Arts, University of Presov in Prešov, the Slovak Republic
State Vocational University of prof. Stanisław Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg, Poland
The conference is held under the auspices of the rector of University of Economics in Bratislava, Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ferdinand Daňo, PhD., and the dean of the Faculty of Business Economy of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice, Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.